Returns / Complaints
If you have a complaint with your order or you want to return products, please send us an e-mail to before sending the return.
For a quick processing we need the following information from you:
- Order number
- Customer number
- Article number
- Quantity
- Description of your request
In case of a complaint, additional information is required:
- meaningful photos
- Damage receipts (e.g. note on delivery note)
Our customer service team will then coordinate the further procedure with you.
Incorrect or too much ordered goods can also be taken back from business customers out of goodwill after individual examination. On condition that the products are in perfect condition. We exclude damaged, damp or dusty items for a return. Custom-made products according to customer requirements as well as remaining stock are also excluded from the return.
Upon receipt of the goods, you will receive a credit note, minus the conditions for outward transport, processing, re-storage as well as for checking the integrity of the goods (= re-storage fee). The amount of the re-storage fee varies depending on the quantity returned.
For private customers, the right of withdrawal applies to consumers, see